Soothing music at bedtime can be wonders for calming down that overloaded child! “THE SOUND IS TOO LOUD!” Understandably, because it’s too much input for them, though many will respond positively to classical music! There are music programs available for children experiencing auditory issues and most of these are based on classical sounds. HYPERSENSITIVE children will usually cover their ears from loud noises, especially when in crowds or out in public. Typically developing children have sensory sensitivities too and often outgrow them, but these issues can last longer in children with SPD or APD. Children with or without a diagnosis are often oversensitive or under-sensitive to sounds, taking in too much or too little noise from their surroundings. Sensory processing disorder auditory and / or APD (auditory processing disorder) can be a hearing issue with children. This helps us with the development of balance, equilibrium, postural control, muscle tone, visual awareness while you are moving, and bilateral coordination.

In humans, these stimuli are detected by nerves within the body itself, as well as by the semicircular canals of the inner ear. PROPRIOCEPTION The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself.Feeling hungry, full, hot, cold or thirsty are parts of this, affecting this sense can also make self-regulation a challenge. INTEROCEPTION Interoception is a lesser-known sense that helps you understand and feel what’s going on inside your body.Different textures make our brain respond differently depending on what the touch is. TOUCH IT The tactile sense, or the sense of touch, is the input the body receives and reacts to through contact.TASTE IT Taste is a big part of our senses and is easily understood by the choices we make on what to eat, but the texture itself can be a variant to many and not the specific taste itself.SMELL IT Olfactory, or the sense of smell, is highly regarded as a response to our actions depending on the scent or smell you’re taking in.This is not about the accuracy of one’s vision /sight, it is the way the muscles control the eye movement which affects all our visual skills input.

SEE IT Visual processing is a response to what the eyes see and the response by the brain.HEAR IT Sensory Processing Dysfunction (SPD) often affects the listening skills and the way the brain processes that information and uses it.